
Menominee American Legion Post 146


American Legion Post 0146
Membership Meeting
August 12th, 2024

Commander Gary Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared the Post 146 monthly meeting regularly convened at 17:35.

Roll call was taken, quorum was met.

Guest(s): None

The July Minutes were printed and distributed. No corrections were noted.

Tillie Ryan gave the Bar Report

Greg Furmanski gave the Finance Report. Kurt Lepinski gave a report on the Queen of Hearts raffle. Ed Smith moved “to approve the Finance Report.” The motion was adopted.

The charter was draped in memory of James E. Fischer.

Kurt Lepinski gave the Membership Report. 179 of a goal of 376. 47.6% of goal.

Gary Scholtz gave the House Committee report. There is still a leak behind the bar. The compressor is frozen on the air conditioner.

Gary Gladue gave the Activities report. Still looking for an Activities chairperson. That person would also be in charge of the snack shack. Suicide prevention will be on September 14 & 15 and the bar will be open to the public those days with a raffle on that Saturday.

Steve Van Eyck gave the Athletics report.

Steve Van Eyck gave the SAL report. The SAL representative to the Bar Committee has resigned. Sal-o-ween will be a week before Halloween.

Julie Erickson gave the Auxiliary report to include details about the fundraiser on 7 September.

Rick Baldwin gave the Legion Riders report. There will be a ride on 29 August.

Unfinished Business: Still looking into post credit card.

New Business: The downtown business association will hold a Scare Crow Halloween contest on September 21, 2024 called Great Pumpkin Festival. Children’s Museum is looking for donations for their roof replacement. They are holding an Open House event August 20th. Discussed spelling out in the by-laws the duties of the post officers. NWTC November 14th. Discussed forming a color guard.

Adjourned at 18:35

Adjutant Kurt Lepinski