American Legion Post 0146
Membership Meeting
June 10th, 2024
Commander Gary Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared the Post 146 monthly meeting regularly convened at 17:30.
Roll call was taken, quorum was met.
Guest(s): None
The May Minutes were distributed and approved as printed.
Commander Gladue gave the Executive Report. Discussed application for Post Credit Card, ice machine cleaning, delegating tasks to Executive Committee Members, proposed updates to list of elected officers: Greg Furmanski – Finance Officer; Kim Coggins – Judge Advocate. Audit will be on 24 & 25 June 2024
Dick Pier moved “to nominate Greg Furmanski as Finance Officer.” The motion was adopted.
District Commander Tom Chernetski installed the newly elected post officers: Commander Gary Gladue; 1st Vice Commander Brian Chernetski; 2nd Vice Commander Gary Scholtz; 3rd Vice Commander Richard Baldwin; Finance Officer Gregory Furmanski; Sgts at Arms: James Kolky and Edward Smith; Chaplin Jan Lepinski; Service Officer Deborah Knernschield; Judge Advocate Kim Coggins; At-Large Members of Executive Committee: James Berry, Walter Durow, Carl Granquist, and Jean Stegeman.
Rick Baldwin gave the Bar Report.
Dick Pier gave the Finance Report. Mike Cutaiar moved “to accept the Finance Report, subject to audit.” The motion was adopted.
Kurt Lepinski gave the Membership report: 364 members, goal 356, 102.25%
Gary Scholtz gave the House Committee report. Snack Shack open on 30 June.
Commander Gladue gave the Activities report. Looking for volunteers to run the cotton candy machine on Thursdays from 3 to 7 pm.
Steve Van Eyck gave the Athletics report. July 10th is the American Legion Family night at the traditional M&M game. At the games a ticket is given for each $1 donation and various door prizes are given every two innings. The new owner of Culver’s made a donation for the banners on the fences and donated 49 gift cards.
Steve Van Eyck gave the SAL report. They have 176 paid members of a goal of 178. They will make goal.
Rick Baldwin gave the Legion Riders Report. Blessing of the Bikes was bigger than last year in spite of the rain.
Julie Erickson gave the Auxiliary report. Wreaths Across America fundraiser September 7th.
Correspondence: $500 Donation from Bruce Calcari.
Unfinished Business: Dick Pier moved “to donate $141.55 to Marinette Menominee Veterans in Need as they did the Vietnam Veterans program this year.” The motion was adopted.
New Business: Queen of Hearts Jackpot was won on week 5. The Post share is now larger than our expenses. Red Cross Blood Donation at the Post July 9th 9am-2pm. Mike Cutaiar won the drawing.
Adjourned at 18:25
Adjutant Kurt Lepinski