
Menominee American Legion Post 146


American Legion Post 0146
Membership Meeting
March 11th, 2024

Commander Gary Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared the Post 146 monthly membership meeting regularly convened at 17:14

Roll call was taken, quorum was met.

The February minutes were distributed and approved as printed.

Gary Gladue gave the Executive Committee Report. Rick Baldwin moved “to accept the report of the Executive Committee.” The motion was adopted.

Guest(s): None, David Johnson was recognized with a certificate for 50 continuous years of membership.

Tilli Ryan gave the Bar Report.

Dick Pier gave the Finance Report. Jan Lepinski moved “to accept the finance report subject to audit.” John Nutter presented a $2000 check to the Post from the Pull-Tab account.

Jan Lepinski gave the Membership report. 332 current members 93.26% of goal.

Gary Scholtz gave the House Committee report. Gary Gladue gave additional details.

Gary Gladue discussed Activities: Smear Tournament in progress, March 13 “Together with Veterans” event at the Whistle Stop.

Steve Van Eyck gave the Athletics Committee report (Legion Baseball)

Julie Erickson gave the Auxiliary report.

Steve Van Eyck gave the SAL report. Will be assisting at Vietnam War Veterans Day March 29th in Peshtigo

Rick Baldwin gave the Legion Riders report. Would like the Bar and Snack Shack open for the Blessing of the Bikes on June 1st. City of Menominee Police Department will be conducting a K-9, drone, and kids bike rodeo (bike safety). They will also register bikes on site for anyone who wants it. There will be a DJ.

Correspondence: Flyer for Vietnam War Veterans Day, St Thomas Academy fundraising event.

Unfinished Business: Queen of Hearts Raffle discussion. A more in-depth discussion scheduled for Tuesday March 19, 2024 at 16:30. Gary Gladue to send out an email notice of the meeting.

New Business: Gary Gladue read a proposed letter soliciting funds from businesses. Steve Fifarek discussed having a post newsletter. Ed Smith won the drawing

Adjourned at 18:30

Adjutant Kurt Lepinski