American Legion Post 0146
Regular Membership Meeting
October 9th, 2023
Commander Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened at 17:07
The charter was draped in honor of Maurice Johnson.
Deborah Knernschield gave the Service Officer report.
Roll call was taken, quorum was met
The September Minutes were distributed and approved as printed.
The Executive Committee minutes were read. Jan Lepinski moved to accept the Executive Committee report. Motion passed.
No Guests
Dick Pier gave the Finance Report and distributed copies. Jan Lepinski moved to accept the report subject to audit. Motion passed.
Kurt Lepinski gave the Membership report. As of 10/6/23 the post has 213 paid members for 59.83%
Tilly gave the Bar Report. The bar is opening at noon until 7 for college football with chili being sold through January. A new bartender is being trained, hiring to be approved by the Executive Committee once trained.
Activities: Tom Chernetski and Bill Paris discussed Veterans Day event on November 11th. Breakfast for vets 8:00 to 10:00 am. $7 for non-veterans. Dave got candy for Halloween: 26 October at 15:00
Athletics: No Report
Riders: Rick announced a fall color ride with the car club this Saturday, meeting between 09:30 and 10:00 at the post. Last weekend riders were in the parade in Peshtigo and the week before they were at a bike show.
House Committee: Gary reported on the sewer, furnace, and air conditioner. The snack shack needs to be closed for the winter. Wally reported on price of covers for the LED light tubes and made a motion to leave the covers off. Motion passed.
Auxiliary: The Auxiliary held their first meeting last month.
SAL: No Report
Unfinished Business: Discussed hot chocolate for the Christmas parade 18 November.
New Business: Standing rules committee: Dick Pier, Jan Lepinski, Tom Chernetski, Gary Scholtz. Cleaning of the meeting room carpet by end of November and ceiling tiles. Discussed Snow removal. Minutes to be posted on web site.
James won the drawing.
Adjourned at 18:12
Adjutant Kurt Lepinski