American Legion Post 0146
Membership Meeting
September 11th, 2023
The charter was draped in memory of John Doubek and Paul Schroud.
Commander Gladue conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened at 17:15 on 9/11/2023.
Roll call was taken, quorum was met
Reading of August Minutes: Minutes were approved with corrections
Kurt Lepinski gave the Executive Committee report. Jan Lepinski moved “to accept the Executive Committee report.” The motion was adopted.
Dick Pier gave the Finance Report. Rick Baldwin moved “to accept the finance report.” The motion was adopted.
Kurt Lepinski gave the Membership Report. We met the 50% membership deadline.
Activities Committee Report: Suicide Prevention event this weekend. Pot Luck last Wednesday of the month.
Athletics: No Report
Gary Scholtz gave the House Committee report. Wally Durow reported on the LED light conversion project. Research to be done on replacement light covers and disposal of old florescent tubes. Disk Pier moved “to sell excess LED tubes and dispose of previously purchased LED tubes that need a ballast.” The motion was approved.
Julie Ericson gave the Auxiliary report.
Steve Van Eyck gave the SAL report.
Unfinished Business: Wally Durow pointed out that per our by-laws, delegates to Department Convention will be reimbursed after submitting a report.
New Business: Jim Berry gave a report on replacing the flagpole.
Good of the Legion: a moment of silence was observed in remembrance of September 11, 2001.
Adjourned at 18:19
Adjutant Kurt Lepinski