
Menominee American Legion Post 146


American Legion  Auxiliary membership dues of $40 are also payable.  Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.


MAY 14, 2019


    The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its regular meeting at the Legion Post on May 14.,


    Julie Erickson, president, extended a welcome to the membership, and new members Trish Kohrt and Pam Schick.  Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the April 9 minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, detailed the financial report which was placed on file for audit.


    Committee Reports:  Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, shared a poem on Poppy Days.  A discussion followed on recognizing Ashley Armbrust and Aaron Drifka for entering the National Guard, and Foreign Exchange students Anwar Awwad of Israel and Sara Saber of Sweden at the Menominee High School (MHS) Senior Recognition Awards Ceremony held May 20.  Marjorie Albert, Cheer chairman, reported mailing cards to Sandra Carns, Lori Walcher, Mary Uecke and Vicky Blom.  Judy Pier, Children and Youth chairman, encouraged members to purchase books, blankets, mittens, hats, and gloves for upcoming ALA projects.  Connie Kewley, Public Relations chairman, discussed newspaper News Releases, and two ALA members from the Calling Committee resigning, and have been replaced by the following members:   Lynn Paris, Liz Scholtz, Sherry Nutter, Barbara Kanyuh, Judy Pier, and Connie Kewley.  Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported plastic lids of all types are being collected for a Friendship (Buddy) Bench that will be placed in an elementary school playground; collection box provided in Post 146.  Also, baseball bats are being collected to construct and paint an American Flag.  In addition, a graduating senior from MHS will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the ALA at the Awards Ceremony.  Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported 269 current members.


    Julie Hendrick, Girls State chairman, reported MHS students Emma Laastch and Emily Nowack will be attending the 79th session of Girls State June 16-22 at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.  Evie Koutnik, Poppy chairman, extended appreciation to the membership on volunteering for Poppy Days in Menominee.   Julie Erickson, Music chairman, recognized the following members with  birthdays:  Donna Shatusky, Patty Violet, Jeannette Krause and Julie Hendrick.   Lastly, Julie Hendrick read thank you correspondence from the U. P. Honor Flight.


    Old Business:  Julie Erickson, president, discussed the 2019-20 Slate of Officers for Unit 146, and the committee which provided an Absentee Ballot Box for voting.  Since the By-Laws nor Roberts Rules of Order recognized it, the votes became null and void.  A new election followed without the Absentee Ballot Box.  The Installation of Officers and the Executive Board will take place on June 11.  Connie Kewley reported for Jane Raygo that the placement of flowers in Potter's Field at Riverside Cemetery, Menominee will take place May 23 (rain date May 24).  All members are encouraged to participate.


    New Business:  Julie Erickson reported on a Yooper basket to help fund the Veteran Creative Arts Festival is needed, and membership approved.  Donna Lewis, VA & R chairman, will submit five Father's Day cards each to D. J. Jacobetti Veterans' Home, Marquette, and Oscar G. Johnson Medical Center, Iron Mountain.  In addition, a local adopted disabled veteran will also receive a Father's Day card.  Julie Erickson reported the UPAALP Summer Convention will be held June 14-15 at Legion Post 146.  The membership approved of the following four delegates to attend:  Julie Erickson, Margaret Hudon, Anna Mae Amerman and Connie Kewley.  Also, membership approved the following delegates to attend the Michigan Department Summer Convention, Kalamazoo on June 27-30;  Dona Schrank, Donna Lewis, Evie Koutnik, and Julie Erickson.  Connie Kewley reported an ALA Rummage Sale is planned for July to support programs, and will take place at Jane Raygo residence.  All members are encouraged to donate items. 


    The following budgeted items were approved by membership:  Wilwin Lodge @ Cygnet Cove, Concerts in the Park, Family Recreation Day, ALA Scholarship Fund, Father's Day cards for D. J. Jacobetti Veteran's Home, and Oscar G. Johnson Medical Center.


    Upcoming events include:  May 27 - Memorial Day services in Menominee:  Birch Creek Cemetery - 7 a.m.; Veterans Color Guard parade (Band Shell to Veterans Memorial Park)  8:45 a.m.; Riverside Cemetery (Veterans Memorial section) 10 a.m.; May 29 - Potluck at Post 146 - 6 p.m.; June 1 - Family Recreation Day; June 11 - ALA Potluck Dinner - 5:30 p.m.; Meeting/Installation of Officers - 6:30 p.m.


    Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain, concluded the meeting with a Prayer for Peace.