
Menominee American Legion Post 146


American Legion  Auxiliary membership dues of $40 are also payable.  Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.


APRIL 9, 2019


    The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary Unit 146 held its regular meeting at the Legion Post on April 9 preceded by a pizza party.
Julie Erickson, president, extended a welcome to members, and a moment of silence was observed for the POW-MIA veterans. Connie Kewley read the regular meeting minutes from March 12 in the absence of Julie Hendrick, secretary. Cindy Smith, treasurer presented the financial report, and it was placed on file for audit.

    The Committee Reports were presented as follows: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairperson, read a poem on the American Flag. Marjorie Albert, Cheer chairperson, reported mailing cards to Mary Klumb, Viv Carlson, Carol Johnson, and Mary Geniesse. Judy Pier, Children and Youth chairperson, read a prayer to celebrate the military child for Children and Youth month in April. The ALA members were updated on various book sales scheduled in area for purchasing for upcoming projects. The age 10-plus books are in need for children. A discussion followed on Jaxon Smith, student from Marinette who donated his hair to provide two wigs for children with cancer. Also, the DAR Boys/Girls Club is in need of indoor equipment. Val Hallam, Community Service chairperson, reported 1,105 volunteer hours by members have been recorded since November, 2018 and March, 2019. Sherry Nutter, Education chairperson, received thank you responses from the MHS teaching staff for copy paper donations. In addition, there were six applications received for the ALA $1,000 scholarship, and will be announced at the Menominee High School Senior Recognition Awards Ceremony on May 20. Barbara Kanyuh, Girls State co-chairperson, reported the following two girls have been selected for Girls State: Emily Nowack and Emma Laatch. Connie Kewley, Historian, reported the 2018-19 End of Report was submitted on the Historian Program Action Plan. Donna Lewis, Membership chairperson, reported 263 members; goal of 304. Jane Raygo, Poppy co-chairperson, reported May 16, 17 and 18 as Poppy Days in the City of Menominee. A sign-up sheet for volunteers at Kmart, and Jack's Fresh Market was distributed, and posted at the Post. Connie Kewley, Public Relations chairperson, reported on published media releases, and End of Report filed. Val Hallam, Bar chairperson, reported an additional cash register, and computer will be purchased for the Post. The membership discussed the importance of signing the "Guest Book" if not a Legion member.

    The following thank you letters for ALA monetary donations were read as follows by Connie Kewley: Margaret Raboin, BP Hope Memorial Cancer Fund Walk; Lori LaCasse, Community Action Agency, and Sarah Hanson, Menominee County ISD Imagination Library.

    Julie Erickson reported Ed Stanislawski, Legionnaire, will present a "concealed carry" class for ALA members. Contact Ed at Post 146 if interested on date, and prices.

    The following budgeted items were approved: Red Wave American Legion Baseball and Banner, U. P. Honor Flight, DAV Transportation, Veteran Bingo parties for D. J. Jacobetti Home, and Oscar G. Johnson Medical Center.

    Sherry Nutter, Joann Torreano and Judy Anderson, ALA Nominating Committee, presented the Slate of Officers for 2019-2020, and reported an election will take place May 14 at the regular scheduled ALA meeting. A discussion followed on an Absentee Ballot Box placed in the Post for membership to use on voting from April 10 to May 14.

    Upcoming Events include: May 4: U.P. American Auxiliary Spring Meeting, Powers, Michigan, Lunch - 12:00 p.m., Meeting - 1 p.m.; May 14: ALA Meeting and Election of Officers - 6:30 p.m.; May 16, 17 & 18: Poppy Days in City of Menominee; June 11: ALA Meeting/Installation of Officers - Potluck Dinner - 5:30 p.m., Meeting - 6:30 p.m.; June 14-15: 2019 UPAALP Summer Convention @ Post 146.

    Anna Mae Amerman extended an outreach of hands to members, and all sang "God Bless America" to adjourn the meeting.