American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.
JUNE 12, 2018
The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146, held its regular meeting on June 12 at the Legion Post on First Street, preceded by a potluck dinner. Julie Erickson, president, extended a welcome to members, and Anna Mae Amerman offered the opening prayer in the absence of Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain. In addition, Julie Erickson noted the flag colors were in place, and a moment of silence for POW-MIA veterans was observed. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the "Star Spangled Banner". Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the May 8 regular meeting minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, gave the financial report; reports were placed on file for audit, and Evie Koutnik and Dona Schrank will assist in audit of books.
Committee Reports: Judy Pier, Children and Youth chairman, introduced Michael Hensley, an 8th grade student at Menominee High School (MHS), and awarded him the "Good Deed Award" certificate from the National Children and Youth program, State of Michigan for his volunteering efforts in the community. In addition, Steve VanEyck, Athletic chairman, Sons of The American Legion (S.A.L), and Frank Agtang, S.A.L. Commander, presented Michael with a paid membership.
Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported on military recruit dinner that took place at the Legion Post on June 5 for Casey Brunette, U.S. Army Reserve recruit, and Nicholas Mojica, U.S. Marine Corps recruit. A patriotic photo album was presented to each recruit, and thank you extended to guest speakers; Major Jean Stegeman, Jim, and Julie Hendrick (Post 146), Julie Erickson (Unit 146 president), Shelly Kanyuh (Unit 146 chaplain), Richard Pier (Post 146 chaplain), Dave Thompson( DAV Commander), and ALA committee and members for participation.
Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported MHS senior graduate Jason Janquart was recipient of ALA Unit 146 $1,000 scholarship; Jason plans to attend Michigan Tech University, Houghton, and pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering, as well as play football for the Huskies. Sherry Nutter also reported a collection for school supplies is in progress for children in need, and a collection school box is available at Post 146; distribution will take place before the school year by St. Vincent de Paul Pantry, Menominee.
Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported 294 members, and 2018-19 membership dues increased to $40 as added expenses incurred within the ALA organization. In addition, Donna Lewis, Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation, chairman, reported on Adopt-A-Vet program at D. J. Jacobetti Home, Marquette, and Unit 146 will sponsor two veterans.
Evie Koutnik and Jane Raygo, Poppy chairpersons, reported on expenses and profit incurred during National Poppy Days in City of Menominee, and extended a thank you to the community and ALA membership for participation, and support of the program.
Jeannette Krause, Post 146 Bar Committee chairman, reported Dave Boucher has been hired as new bar manager. Also, credit card availability will take place July 1.
Julie Erickson, Music chairman, recognized the following members for June birthdays: Jane Raygo, Shelly Kanyuh, Sherry Nutter, Cindy Smith, and Verda Shatusky; July includes: Loretta Doling, Liz Scholtz, and Marge Albert.
Julie Hendrick reported receiving thank-you correspondence from Wilwin at Cygnet Cove (veteran rehabilitation).
Old Business: ALA Unit 146 discussed Ice Cream/Nacho Booth status for Fourth of July, and Waterfront Festival; Donna Lewis and Connie Kewley are chairpersons for 4th of July, and Holly Bayerl volunteered for Waterfront Festival.
Julie Erickson reported on Slate of Officers for Unit 146, and position of Sergeant-at-Arms remains to be filled for 2018-19. Barbara Kanyuh was approved by membership to fill the position.
Jane Raygo reported placement of flowers at Potter's Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee, and extended appreciation to ALA members for their assistance in placement of American flags for Memorial Day also.
Julie Erickson reported a donation received from DAV toward the Wreaths Across America program; Jane Raygo will be chairperson.
New Business: Margaret Hudon reported on UPAA District Summer Convention held June 8-9 in Iron Mountain as follows: There are 287 girls registered for Michigan Girls State; Wanda Westman was recognized for her years of service at D. J. Jacobetti Veterans' Home; 22% of U. S. military are women; By-Laws have been revised; Creative Arts festival, and District officers discussed. Julie Erickson of Unit 146 received the past president pin, and acquired a new position as Historian.
ALA Unit 146 membership approved budgeted item for Abundant Life Homeless Shelter.
Upcoming events include: June 21-24: Department Michigan Convention, Kalamazoo; June 27: Potluck dinner at Post; July 4: ALA Ice Cream/Nacho Booth opens (4-10 p.m.); July 10: Executive Board Meeting at Post (6 p.m.) Note: Fundraising committee meets prior to meeting; July 20: Veteran's Day at Shakey Lakes Park - Note: Anna Mae Amerman has been selected to read Flander's Field poem at ceremony.
The Installation of Officers for 2018-19 was presented by Anna Mae Amerman as follows: President: Julie Erickson, Vice President: Donna Lewis, Secretary: Julie Hendrick, Treasuer: Cindy Smith, Chaplain: Shelly Kanyuh, Historian: Connie Kewley, Sergeant-at-Arms: Barbara Kanyuh, Executive Board: Margaret Hudon, Evie Koutnik and Dona Schrank.
The meeting concluded with members singing "God Bless America".