
Menominee American Legion Post 146


Special Executive Committee Meeting

21 March 2018



A Special Executive meeting was requested by Post 146’s Audit Committee

The following Executive Committee members were present:

John Nutter,  Gary Sholtz,  Dave Herold,  Jean Stegman,  Brian Chernetski,  Jim Smith, David Bonhert,  Ron Cuyler,  Jim Berry,  Tom Chernetski,                   Julie Erickson (Aux), Frank Atang (SAL), Dave Bouche (Club - Non voting)

Commander Fifarek was excused due to family medical emergency

Motion passed to implement a Expense/Reimbursement/Vendor Payment request.  This form will consist of basically Who, What, Where and Why monies were paid out.  Example is attached to back these minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.

Motion passed to purchase Quick Books software and to implement immediately.  This will include both Post Financials and Club accounts.  Quick books will produce payments to vendors, paychecks and provide much needed accountability.  Dick Pier (Audit Chair) will take lead in implementation.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Motion passed to implement a Point of Sale System (POS) for the Post Bar.  $2016.00 will be transferred from Club account to purchase a POS.  The POS will enable the post to accept credit cards, maintain an accurate record of inventory, and produce reports required by the Executive Committee.  Each credit card transaction will cost 2.75% of that sale.  Dick Pier (Audit Chair) will take lead in implementation. Motion passed unanimously.

The following items are being investigated for sourcing and pricing.  Results will be presented at the next Executive Meeting:

New Computer

New Printer

55-60” TV to use for presentations in basement meeting room.


Respectfully Submitted

Tom Chernetski, Adjutant, Post 146