American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.
March 13, 2018
Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its regular meeting at the Legion Post, First Street, on March 13 preceded by a social hour with an anniversary cake being served to celebrate 99 years of the American Legion Auxiliary. Anna Mae Amerman gave the opening prayer in the absence of Shelly Kanyuh, chaplain. Julie Erickson, president, extended a welcome to members; noted the flag colors were in place, and moment of silence given to the POW-MIA veterans. The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner”.
Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the regular meeting minutes report; Cindy Smith, treasurer, detailed the financial report.
Frank Agtang, Commander of the Sons of American Legion Squadron was introduced to the membership, and he extended appreciation to the Unit for past assistance with Post activities. A Spring Fling will take place April 21; social hour – 4 p.m.; dinner – 5 p.m. (hamburgers/hotdogs); music provided by Russ Mayou. All ALA members are encouraged to attend, and to bring bars/cookies for desserts.
Committee Reports: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, informed members to display the American flag, and be faithful and patriotic to our country. Judy Pier, Children & Youth chairman, reported April is Children & Youth month. A program is scheduled to honor military children at the April 10 ALA meeting; April 15 is Children’s Day, and the color purple is to be worn. Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported four Menominee High School (MHS) graduating students applied for the Menominee ALA Unit 146 - $1,000 Scholarship. There will be a Senior Awards Night ceremony held May 22 at MHS with one student being awarded the scholarship; social hour - 6 p.m., awards - 7 p.m.; a donation was given to the Unit from Legion Post 146 toward the scholarship. Nutter also informed members that the Country School Day Care, Menominee, has become another drop-off site available for Give 10 to Education; includes collection of Box Tops, Campbell Soup labels, and Coke products with twist off caps containing carton codes. Julie Hendrick, Girls State chairman, reported monetary donations received from GFWC,Chem Design, Fincantieri Marinette Marine, and Menominee Kiwanis for the program. Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported Unit 146 currently has 282 members. Jane Raygo, Poppy chairman, reported ordering poppies, cans, and labels for Poppy Days being held May 17-19 in Menominee. Julie Erickson, Music chairman, reported membership birthdays for March including Margaret Hudon.
Julie Hendrick reported the following thank you correspondence received: Pat Ihler (Early Bird Drawing), Menominee ISD (Imagination Library), and Community Action Agency (Walk for Warmth).
Julie Erickson, president, reported ALA Unit 146 membership dues for 2019 would increase to $40; Junior membership dues were also reviewed, and increased to $5. In addition, Erickson reported the End of Year program reports (narrative) must be submitted to District chairman by March 31. There will be a meeting at the Post on March 21 at 4 p.m. for chairpersons to review program reports. Also, Erickson reported that a membership committee is needed for a new slate of officers for 2018-19. The election of officers takes place May 8, and installation on June 12.
Julie Erickson reported that the American Legion Class A Baseball Tournament would be held at Spies Field, Menominee, August 1-5. Don Hudon, Post 146 co-chairman of event indicated seven Legion baseball teams will participate. A discussion followed on tournament expenses; membership approved of a donation.
Jane Raygo, reported to ALA membership that she is collecting flowers for Potter’s Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee for placement on Memorial Day. If anyone is interested in donating flowers, contact Jane Raygo at: 906-863-3086.
ALA Unit 146 approved the following budgeted items: NIE (Newspapers in Education), and Unit 146 Scholarship.
Upcoming events include: March 28: Potluck dinner at Post 146 – 6 p.m.; April 10: ALA meeting/pizza party; social hour – 4:30 p.m., pizza party – 5:30 p.m. (Cost: $5); meeting – 6:30 p.m.; April 18: American Legion Baseball Spaghetti/Meatball Dinner
at Post – 4 – 7 p.m.; Cost: $8 (kids 5 & under free); April 21: Spring Fling at Post; social hour – 4:30 p.m., dinner – 5 p.m. Note: Desserts are needed by membership.
Anna Mae Amerman concluded the meeting with a Prayer for Peace, and an Irish Blessing.