Menominee American Legion Post 146
General Membership Minutes for January 2018
(Note: All motions passed are highlighted, made motion/2nd motion)
Charter draped and moment of silence in honor of Thomas Bergstrom, Richard Wendt, Bill Court, Glen Schrank, Dick Miller, transferring to Post Everlasting.
1700 Commander Fifarek conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened
Roll call was taken Quorum criteria met.
Minutes from December Regular Meeting read and entered into record.
Financial Report was read was read and approved – Sholtz/Durrow - Motion passed
Executive Committee minutes read. – Smith/Stegman – Approved and entered.
House: NTR
Activities: New years day breakfast. Served 143. $86.00 in tips. Sold steaks left over $5.00 apiece - $1656 gross. Profit was $217.00
Membership: Still not at 100% - sitting at around 98%. We are #2 in the U.P.
Kitchen: NTR
Riders: NTR
Club: Still looking for another bartender
SAL: (Read Executive Committee for SAL minutes) Member count at 166
Aux: Membership – 222.
Downtown: NTR
Athletic: Team will be bagging groceries at Jacks and also doing a Brats for Breakfast.
Americanism: NTR
Correspondence: NTR
Unfinished - Need Newsletter input ASAP.
- Ceiling tiles are being replace in near future.
- Jim Smith asked about Kitchen Committee Chairman. Was informed Bill Paris is Kitchen Committee Chairman.
- SAL asked about viewing license plates on flat screen (already donation in memory of Everett Stanislawski). Being worked on an Linda Tasked with buying TV.
- Deck donations are just under 17K – Basically on hold until Spring.
- Broaster situation is Dead. Stop looking for one. Not happening. Scholtz/Berry – Motion Passed.
New Business: - NTR
Raffle: Dave won 4 free pizzas
Commander adjourned meeting at 1817
Tom Chernetski, Adjutant
(Note: All motions passed are highlighted)
Executive Meeting
At 1630 Commander Fifarek declared Executive meeting convened
Roll call was taken, quorum was met.
Signatories on any paperwork leaving Post was discussed. Only Officers of the Post can sign. Additionally, anything that leaves post be signed by Commander or Adjutant. A copy of any document must be given to Adjutant for filing.
Audit Committee looked at Post finances with Jim Berry for period July – November 2017. No discrepancies. Recommend keeping all receipts/bills to back up outgoing checks.
- Will be tracking special project finances (i.e. Waterfront, Brown Trout, Mardi Gras…etc.) more closely
Commander discussed U.P Mid-Winter conference/State Officer Tour 15 January. Starts at 4pm. Max participation is desired. Dinner will be $11.oo dollars per person.
Dave Bonhert said New Years breakfast grossed $1656, Spent $1300 and change – made about $225.
Commander informed Committee that Dave Herold was removed from Bar Committee and Ron Cuyler was assigned. Dick Pier will fill in as interim Chair until the committee elects a new one. Dick does not want to be Chairman as he feels it will be a conflict of interest with him being Audit Chair.
Bartenders need to take Michigan Alcohol Servers Course to get certified. Dick Pier will be looking into this.
Club Committee asked for approval to give each Bartender a $2.00 an hour raise starting next pay cycle. Herold/Smith – Motion Passed.
Club Committee asked about hosting Legion Family Appreciation Night Sat 20th of January from 5pm – close. Free pizza and ½ barrel Beer. Herold/Smith – Motion Passed.
Club Committee want to establish a Bean Bag Toss competition on Tues or Weds nights in dining room from Jan-Apr. Smith/Berry – Motion Passed.
Apply for permit BBQ grill / SAL Raffle permit. Chernetski/Berry – Motion Passed.
Spring Fling (SAL) , April 21st. Food, Music, Raffles, 50/50. Chernetski/Scholtz – Motion Passed.
Golf Outing (SAL) – July 14th More info to follow - Chernetski/Smith – Motion Passed.
Meeting was adjourned.
r/ Tom Chernetski, Adjutant.