Menominee American Legion Post 146
Executive Meeting
At 1630 Commander Fifarek declared Executive meeting convened
Roll call was taken, quorum was met.
2017 Fall District meeting held at Post was successful.
Commander said he put the Post into the 2019 U.P Summer Centennial meeting.
Discussion about hosting a meal for the 2018 Winter Tour. Gary Scholtz made motion to host if available. Smitty seconded. Motion passed.
Dave Herold gave brief about his discussion with Michigan Liquor Control Agency. Need to look at the Bona fide guest situation, Gambling, Entertainment permit and Party Rentals.
Need to find Party Rental agreement – set a base price and stick to it. Jim Smith will take for action.
Handrail for back sidewalk – Jim Berry has been getting quotes. Gary Scholtz made motion to bring it to Membership. John Nutter seconded. Motion Carried.
Jim Smith brought up Committees – Commander is not a member and does not have a vote within committees. Adjutant needs to make himself available to Committee chairs.
Meeting was adjourned at 1645.
General Meeting Minutes for 6 Nov 2017
(Note: All motions passed are highlighted)
1700 Commander Fifarek conducted opening ceremonies and declared Post 146 regular monthly meeting convened
Roll call was taken, (Nutter, B. Chernetski, D. Herold – Excused) Quorum criteria met.
Financial Report was read was read and approved – (Smitty/Bohnert) - Motion passed
Minutes from 8 Oct were read, approved, and will be entered into the record.
House: Insulation and Carpeting complete. Painting on front room will commence this week.
Activities: Vets Breakfast food picked up Weds in Shawano. Prices will be 7 for adults, 3 for kids under 12 and veterans eat free.
Membership: 15 new members. 349 paid. Need 423 to get 100% - moving along nicely. If you renew on-line, it may take up to 60-90 days for the post to be notified.
Kitchen: NTR
Riders: NTR
DAV Selling Brats for Breakfast Friday Morning. Looking for volunteer drivers for the VAN
Club: No more Packer tailgate parties, due to lack of participation. Sal-o-ween party was fun, but we lost money. Still working on Bar Cabinets
SAL: Next Friday will be giving dictionary’s out to all 3rd graders. Will be attending Wreaths across America on Dec 2. Would like to conduct a raffle soon – will be checking with Executive Committee
Aux: Nov 17th Hot Chocolate and Hot Apple Cider. Need Marchers for the parade. Xmas Ball Game starts on the 16th.
Downtown: No Report – Looking for volunteer to represent the Legion.
Athletic: 3rd Weds in April will be the Spaghetti dinner.
Americanism: NTR
Correspondence: Mid-winter conference, hotel info on bulletin board. Thank you from the Menominee boosters.
Unfinished Remodeling looking great upstairs.
Jim Berry continues to work on handrails. New Fridge in kitchen.
Still need info on Broaster.
New Business: * 15 January Mid-Winter Conference. Waiting for Activities to figure out menu and who will be doing dinner.
* Need volunteers for Vets Breakfast.
* $14,029.69 raised so far for deck expansion.
* Commander mentioned Xmas Party – is anything being done? Activities for action.
Raffle: Chernetski won the raffle.
Commander adjourned meeting at 1748.