American Legion Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable. Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.
June 13, 2017
The Menominee American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its regular June 13 meeting at the Legion Post, 1st Street, preceded by a potluck dinner. Anna Mae Amerman, chaplain, offered the opening prayer. Julie Erickson, president, noted the flag colors were in place, and a moment of silence for the POW-MIA veterans was observed. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner”.
Julie Erickson, president, extended a welcome to ALA members, and new member Judy Reid.
Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the May 9 regular meeting minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, gave the financial report. The reports were placed on file for audit.
The committee reports were presented as follows: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported on Memorial Day and the events that occurred in the City of Menominee, and at Legion Post 146. In addition, a discussion followed on the eight Menominee High School (MHS) graduating seniors who were recognized by the ALA for entering the military as follows: Melody Olson, David Ray, Gage Furmanski, Ian Brown, Vanessa John, Owen Weber, Samuel Larson, and Jakob Stebbins; each student was presented with an American flag, and patriotic photo album at the 2017 Senior Recognition Night on May 22. In addition, the Post 146 Family will provide a dinner and patriotic cake to the enlistees, and their families on June 20.
Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported MHS senior, Gina Anderla, as the recipient of the Unit’s $1,000 Scholarship. Anderla had met the criteria requirements through her veteran Grandfather Curtis Erickson, who served in the United States Air Force from 1961-65. Nutter also reported to the membership that a school bus collection box donated by Unit member Jeannette Krause, will be placed at the Legion Post for collecting school supplies; distribution by St. Vincent de Paul will take place in September to the Menominee schools for needy children.
Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported that ALA Unit 146 was recognized in the Top 10 of 32 Units for achieving 100% membership goal for 2017 with 259 members. The 2018 goal will be increased to 263.
Donna Lewis, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation chairman, reported a wish list by D. J. Jacobetti Veterans Home, Marquette, seeking eyeglass cases. Contact Donna Lewis @ (906) 863-1679 for additional information. Also, a quilt raffle will take place to help support the Adopt-A-Vet program.
Evie Koutnik, Poppy chairman, extended a thank-you to the Post 146 Family for a successful poppy campaign that supports our veterans.
Connie Kewley, Public Relations chairman, reported on submitted media releases, and reflected on the Unit’s 2016-17 accomplishments; also, appreciation was extended to the ALA Calling Committee in its efforts to keep members updated on current events within the organization.
Julie Hendrick, secretary, reported the Unit received thank-you cards from Gina Anderla (ALA Scholarship), and U. P. Honor Flight (monetary donation).
Julie Erickson, Music chairman, recognized the following ALA members with birthdays: Marge Albert, Shelly Kanyuh, Sherry Nutter, Jane Raygo, Cindy Smith, Joanne Torreano, and Verda Shatusky.
Julie Erickson, president, reported on the Upper Peninsula Association of American Legion Posts (UPAA) Summer District Convention held June 9-11 in Lansing. In addition, Don Hudon of Menominee Post 146 was named U. P. Legionnaire of the Year for his outstanding leadership and service; Hudon has been a member of the American Legion for 40 years.
Margaret Hudon, reported to the Unit that the UPAA encourages all American Legion Posts in the U. P. to participate in the Fair Booth at the U. P. State Fair, Escanaba in August to establish community awareness. In addition, Hudon reported the relocation status of Wilwin at Cygnet Cove (Veterans Rehabilitation Center), Lower Michigan with four cabins built, caretaker’s cabin/recreation hall completed, and lake access to veterans for fishing.
Jane Raygo, reported 130 floral bouquets were placed in Potter’s Field, Riverside Cemetery, Menominee, for Memorial Day. A thank-you was extended to the membership for participating. In addition, Raygo reported that the “Wreaths across America” program is funded through pasty sales, and the Unit’s membership would need to approve continuation of the program. Membership approved.
The Installation of Officers for 2017-18 was presented by Joann Torreano as follows: President-Julie Erickson, Vice President-Donna Lewis, Secretary-Julie Hendrick, Treasurer-Cindy Smith, Chaplain-Shelly Kanyuh, Historian-Barbara Kanyuh, Sergeant-at-Arms-Jane Raygo, Executive Board-Margaret Hudon, Evie Koutnik, and Dona Schrank. The membership extended appreciation to previous members who held office, and expressed support to the new officers.
Julie Erickson, president, introduced Steve Fifarek, Commander of Menominee Post 146. Commander Fifarek informed the membership that on May 18 at a banquet held at Little Country Club, Marinette by the Marinette-Menominee Chamber of Commerce, the City of Menominee presented the American Legion Post 146 Family with the Organization Community Service Award for 2016, and Jane Raygo received an Individual Community Service Award plaque. The membership expressed gratitude, and will strive to serve the community, Post 146 with its members, veterans, military and families.
Upcoming events include:
-July 4 - Ice Cream/Nacho Booth opens @ Post 146 – 4:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
-July 11 -ALA Executive Board Meeting @ Post – 6 p.m.
(2017-18 Budget/Calendar of Events)
-August 4-6 – Waterfront Festival (Ice Cream/Nacho Booth opens)
(Volunteers are needed)
Anna Mae Amerman, chaplain, concluded the meeting with a Prayer for Peace.