
Menominee American Legion Post 146


American Legion  Auxiliary membership dues of $25 are also payable.  Contact Donna Lewis at 906-863-1679 for any questions.

April 11, 2017

The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 146 held its April 11 meeting at the Legion Post on First Street, preceded by a pizza party. In the absence of Anna Mae Amerman, chaplain, Shelly Kanyuh offered the opening prayer. Julie Erickson, president, noted the flag colors were in place, and a moment of silence for POW-MIA veterans was observed. The ALA members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner”.


Julie Erickson extended a welcome to members, and introduced Pat Jacobson as a new ALA member.

Julie Hendrick, secretary, presented the March 14 regular meeting minutes, and Cindy Smith, treasurer, gave the financial report. The reports were placed on file for audit.


Committee reports were presented as follows: Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported receiving 24 essays from Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy for the National American Legion Auxiliary Essay contest entitled, “How does learning about government, and our America help you become a future guardian of the liberties of our country”? The essays were mailed April 25 for judging. In addition, Wyatt Poquette, a student at the Catholic Academy was awarded $50, and a certificate for winning the 2016 essay contest; in addition, an honorary monetary gift was given in the same amount to the Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship Fund in Wyatt’s name.


Marge Albert, Cheer chairman, reported Cheer cards mailed to Anna Mae Amerman, Barb Gratto, and the family of Carol Blomquist.


Dona Schrank, Community Services chairman, informed membership that community volunteer hours need to be documented for the records. Schrank reported ALA member, Lory Spear, donated crocheted lap robes, and baby blankets to the Unit. In addition, there was a yarn donation request to members for the continuation of program projects.


Sherry Nutter, Education chairman, reported a monetary donation received from the Legionnaires, Legion Post 146 toward the Unit’s $1,000 Scholarship Fund that was implemented for a 2017 Menominee High School graduate.

Julie Hendrick, and Barbara Kanyuh, Girls State chairpersons, report Celeste Haines, and Alexis Coleman of Menominee, students attending MHS, applied, and have been orientated to attend the 77th Session of Girls State to be held at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan on June 18-24, 2017.


The ALA membership approved the financial applications for assistance for Celeste Haines, and Alexis Coleman as delegates to Girls State for 2017. Discussion followed on donation letter requests for the program.


Barbara Kanyuh, Historian, requested the return of profile questionnaires by membership for processing. Discussion followed.


Donna Lewis, Membership chairman, reported ALA Unit 146 met the 2017 goal with membership at 258.


Donna Lewis, Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation chairman, exhibited a patriotic hand-made quilt donated by ALA member, Jinny Ruleau to support the Adopt-A-Vet program fundraiser.


Evie Koutnik, Poppy chairman, reported May 18, 19 and 20 as Poppy days in City of Menominee; volunteers needed. ALA members may sign up at the Legion Post, or contact Koutnik at (906) 864-2904 for additional information.


Julie Erickson, president, extended birthday congratulations to member Patti Hayward.


Julie Hendrick, secretary, reported receiving thank you correspondence for the ALA monetary donations from Eagle Herald (NIE), City of Menominee (hanging floral baskets), and Menominee Intermediate School District (Imaginary Library). Also, thank you card from ALA member Mary Geniesse.


Old Business: Donna Lewis, reported for the Nominating committee, and presented the slate of officers to the ALA membership; discussion followed. The election of officers will take place at the May 9 meeting.


Jane Raygo, reported a total of 180 gravesites are in Potter’s Field at Riverside Cemetery, Menominee, and additional flowers are needed for the May 26 (10 a.m.) placement.


New Business: Julie Erickson, president, reported on the UPAA Spring meeting in Rapid River, Mich.; lunch – 12:00 p.m.; delegate needed; membership approved Donna Lewis to represent Unit 146.

There was a request to membership from Steve VanEyck, Post Athletic chairman, to assist in providing desserts for the American Legion Baseball Spaghetti Dinner – April 26; members agreed.


The ALA membership approved the following budgeted items: Oscar G. Johnson Medical Center, Iron Mountain (Veteran Bingo), D. J. Jacobetti Veterans Home, Marquette, Mich. (Veteran Bingo), U. P. Honor Flight for Veterans, and DAV Veteran transportation.


ALA member, Val Hallam, reported to members that the American Red Cross provides free smoke alarms, (includes 10-year battery), plus installation to persons without an alarm. A sign-up sheet was circulated to obtain alarm(s).


Barbara Kanyuh, Americanism chairman, reported approximately six MHS graduating seniors will be inducted into the military. Discussion followed to provide vintage patriotic photo albums for the parents/recruits as was previously provided by the ALA; in addition, a recognition dinner by the Post 146 family is being scheduled.


ALA member, Jane Raygo reported that a garage sale would be held at her residence on May 5-6; Joann Torreano suggested the ALA provide desserts for a bake sale to assist the American Legion Baseball program; membership agreed.


Upcoming events include: April 26: American Legion Baseball Spaghetti Dinner at Legion Post; Dinner: 4-7 p.m., cost: $7 (children 5/under – free); May 6: UPAA Spring Meeting, Rapid River; lunch – 12:00 p.m.; May 9: ALA Meeting @ Post – 6:30 p.m. (election of officers); May 18-20: Poppy Days; May 26: Potter’s Field – 10 a.m. (placement/flowers); June 3: Annual Family Recreation Day; June 9-10: UPAA Summer Convention, L’Anse; June 10: Kids Fishing Derby; June 22-25: Department Summer Convention, Flint; June 13: ALA Meeting/Installation of Officers @ Post – Potluck dinner – 5:30 p.m., Meeting – 6:30 p.m.


Shelly Kanyuh concluded the meeting with a Prayer of Peace.