American Legion Post 146, Department of Michigan
Regular Membership Meeting
March 13th, 2017
Commander Chernetski opened meeting at 1700 - Roll call was taken, quorum was met
Minutes from February meeting were read and approved - Executive meeting deemed not necessary
Relevant Correspondence was read (City requesting flower baskets, MDBA volunteer)
Financial: Report was read Balance forward $13,535.92
Income $3,944.64
Expenses $2,289.58
Balance $15,190.98
Approved motioned by Gary Scholtz seconded by Dave Herold - motion passed
Financial Officer Berry closed kitchen account and incorporated it into the General Fund Account
House: Natural gas line ran to Snack Shack area
Sign in back fell apart during wind storm - working on getting it fixed
Bathroom leak fixed
Activities: Mardi Gras cleared about $700 but still working on figures. Could be more or less once consolidated
Membership: Looking good. 112% - Reminded everyone that cards arive in July - Dues are from July to July
Kitchen: No Report
Riders: No Report
SAL: No Report
Aux: No Report
Downtown: New website up and running. Working on a membership drsive - getting current members to renew
Working on getting flags to line the Interstate bridge
July 4th will continue - at least this year - to be celebrated at Marina
Athletic: April 26th Spaghetti Dinner
June 14th American Legion Family Night w/Legion color guard
July 12th Hosting annual Baseball M&M game
Working on hosting the Legion Tourament in July
Working on gettinng a Windscreen for the ojutfield fence at a cost of $3200
Will be selling ad space in the programs
Will be selling advertising signs for the field fence
First year implementing pay to play $60.00
Americanism: Passed newe info on Bay's State Program. No Boy's State nominees yet. Two Girl's State nominees
New Business: Sponsor D.A.R.'s booth for Family Recreation Day $260.00 Pier motioned, Oscarson 2th, Motion passed
4 flower baskets for 1st Street @ $30.00 each. Scholtz motioned, Nutter 2nd, Motion passed
Ed Smith joined Legion (at the meeting)
Nominations for Elected Positions were held
Commander Steve Fifarek
Adjutant Tom Chernetski
1st Vice John Nutter
2nd Vice Bill Paris
3rd Vice John Smith
Financial Jim Berry
Staff Judge Advocate Kim Coggins
Chaplin Dick Pier
Historian Jim (Smitty) Smith
Sgt-at-Arms Herold Herson
Coo-Coo Cossen