
Menominee American Legion Post 146



American Legion Post 146, Department of Michigan

Regular Membership Meeting

February 13th , 5:00pm


The Meeting was called to order by Commander Chernetski at 1700

Roll call taken - Mose Uecke (at large executive committee) – Excused

Jim Berry (Financial Officer) – Excused

No Executive Committee minutes as a meeting was not warranted.

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as read. John Nutter motioned

Dick Pier Seconded

The Treasury Report was read and approved


              $14,199 Beginning Balance

              $7,600 Income

              $8,337 Expenditures

              $13,462 Ending Balance


House             Nothing significant to report


Activity           Mardi Gras brief, Touched on Legion Baseball Spaghetti dinner


Club -             $7500 in Savings

                       $9800 in Checking

                       $7715 in Bar renovation fund


*Club will be issuing check to Legion General fund

*89 people attended the 1st Responders Banquet- Dave did a good job

*Sleigh Ride was cancelled

*Still considering selling Pizza at the bar on non-food nights

*Ed Thanked everyone for their help during his tenure as Club Chairman

*Club Committee voted Dave Herold to position of Chairman

*Executive Committee (during regular meeting) voted to approve

Dave Herold as Club Chairman


Auxiliary                         Membership at 98%


Membership                    Post is at 458 members and are still #1 in U.P.


Riders                              Nothing to report


Sons                                 77% Membership.


Americanism -                    Although letters have been sent and phone calls made to the High School Guidance Counselors – No interest has been shown. Short discussion regarding how to garner interest in the Boy’s State program.


Penny brought up an idea to start a “Veteran Spotlight” every other month in local paper.


State of the city:                 *14th Ave will finish up this year (May – August)

*Audit went very well

*Cemetery will be pouring concrete for new Vets Portion on Memorial Day with the big monument in by Veterans Day.

*Fireworks on the 4th of July will be split with Marinette… As of now, festivities will continue to take place at the Marina and just the name will change.


Correspondence:                Thank you letter from Animal Shelter was read.


Kitchen:                             Will be doing a massive Spring Clean up


Michigan gaming               John Nutter presented a check for $2500 from pull tab profits.


Unfinished Business:          Commander Discussed various issues that he had with the January Meeting.

Dave Herold Thanked Gary, Ed, Frank, Diane and Linda for their help during the Mardi Gras.

John Smith asked that people contact him regarding activities so that he can update the Events Calendar on website.


New Business:                    Nominations next month – Discussed procedures.

                                           Ed brought up sending Newsletter electronically via snail mail.

                                           Steve got some good prices on issuing the newsletter so it’s

                                           Not costing us 1000 bucks every time we send it out.

Gary Scholtz briefed us on the U.P. association of Legions and Districts 11 & 12 Meeting.

Discussed hosting either Fall or Winter U.P. Conference.

Legion Ball Coach John Lauzer talked about perhaps sponsoring a playoff tournament in Menominee. He thanked everyone for their last minute monetary donations that made it possible for the team to go to State. He also talked about the importance of the spaghetti dinner in relation to their yearly fund raising.

11th District Commander Wayne Roy presented the Legion with a $393-dollar check and a 100% membership plaque.

Steve talked about the Save a Heart Foundation upgrading our AED and offering free training on both the AED and CPR. The new AED will be hung on the wall in the Lounge area.

Raffles need to be more regulated and spaced out.



Closing Ceremony conducted and meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted



Tom Chernetski
